
The perception of the world has certainly changed as we have become to perceive it differently from:

to ‘The Blue Marble’:

Business understood this changed perspective as it became possible to do so via IT, transport and economic advancement. Building global empires taking advantage of what can't be found in their own back yards from cheaper land and labour to raw materials.

The strategic thinking behind globalisation doesn’t only apply to large scale organisations. This is the fists in a series of posts demonstrating how to use this ‘flat world’ in ways you perhaps may have never considered.

#1 Get yourself a virtual assistant

Whether in your personal or professional life I’m sure there are a lot of things you’d rather not spend your time doing. Why not not do it and spend more time doing what you do want to do.

As a lot of things that end up consuming a lot of time are web based this can be done via globalising your work load. Taking advantage of what big business has been doing for years.

Think about some time consuming tasks you could assign for fun (i.e. I’m going to assign the task of SEO for this blog), below are some sites to check out to get started:

US and Canada:


Get in touch with how you get on, or if you’d rather not get your VA to do it for you.


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