
I've decided to add a new area to the MTB blog in homage to my past company. ‘Love Change’ is perhaps not the best slogan for a company to live by, as having now left the company I have truly embraced it. As an individual however, Love Change is most definitely a very important aspect of life.

I have decided to leave my past employer. As it can become true with most strategies, you realise your positioning and direction has gone as far as it can within its current environment.

Also what I have found to become true when looking for a new challenge, with uncertainty comes less change. People lock themselves down within their current roles, securing their niche and go into safe mode forgetting about the aspirations they may have had to progress. Recruiters explained to me repeatedly about how employees are more interested in trying to protect themselves against the change their company may be pushed to inflict against them.

We surely all want to be in control of our own destinies and by wrapping ourselves up in a corporate protective blanket this does quite the opposite. This also leads to a less profitable company and strategically it’s not going to allow us to keep pace with the East, or even get out of the economic trough we sit in.   

I hate to throw the phrase of ‘in these economic times’ around negatively as I believe its times like these that you can really make a name for yourself. It shouldn't be something used in order to justify delay or safety.

I have no interest in stagnating. I know that if we do love change and aspire to take on new challenges and achieve new goals we won’t be following companies like:
-Kodak failing to recognise the importance of digital cameras
-Sony unable to keep control of the portable music market on from the Walkman
-Blockbuster not realising the shift to digital movie rental

All I know is we all have goals we wish to achieve. If the goals we have set for ourselves are challenging enough then we will need to change certain things to achieve them, lets not allow ourselves to fall into limbo.

Good old Walt Disney has something to add:

"In this volatile business of ours, we can ill afford to rest on our laurels, even to pause in retrospect. Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future." —Walt Disney


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